Departamento de Filología

Inglesa y Alemana

Docencia >>Inglés Técnico (ETS Ingeniería Informática) >>Enlaces

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Biblioteca de consulta | Diccionarios y Enciclopedias | Emisoras de Radio y TV | Gramáticas | Cursos de Inglés | Redacción | Exposiciones Orales | Varios

Reference Library | Dictionaries and Encyclopædias | Radio & TV stations | Grammars | English Courses | Writing | Oral Presentations | Various

   Si desea sugerir algún enlace de interés, diríjase al responsable de la página, indicando: dirección URL completa y breve descripción del sitio (una o dos líneas). Gracias

If you would like to suggest a link of interest, please contact the web-master, stating: full URL route and a brief site description (one or two lines). Thanks

Biblioteca de consulta | Reference Library

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Diccionarios y Enciclopedias | Dictionaries and Encyclopædias
  • Diccionario - La Web del Programador. Este diccionario contiene todo tipo de definiciones de interés relacionadas con el mundo de la informática e Internet. Admite sugerencias de usuarios para incluir definiciones, o ampliar las ya expuestas.

  • The Academic Word List was developed at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.  The list contains 570 word families which were selected according to principles outlined below.  The list does not include words that are in the most frequent 2000 words of English. The AWL was primarily made so that it could be used by teachers as part of a programme preparing learners for tertiary level study or used by students working alone to learn the words most needed to study at tertiary institutions. The Academic Word List replaces the University Word List.

  • Eurodicautom is the European Commissions multilingual term bank. When it was first set up in 1973 the development team drew upon the know-how and lexicographic material of two other tools available to Commission translators: Dicautom, a phrasal automatic dictionary launched in 1964, and Euroterm, a translation dictionary developed in 1962-68. The four original languages of Eurodicautom were Dutch, French, German and Italian, to which Danish and English were added in 1973, Greek in 1981, Portuguese and Spanish in 1986, and Finnish and Swedish in 1995. Latin is also present.

Emisoras de Radio y TV | Radio & TV stations
Gramáticas | Grammars
Cursos de Inglés | English Courses

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Redacción | Writing

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Exposiciones Orales | Oral Presentations

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Varios | Various

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© Alejandro Fermín López de Vergara Méndez, 09/10/06 13:02:50